Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Post-Holiday Update (Amanda)

I know some of you want to know what's going on with us, and we don't blog often enough, so here's the latest in the Ehst household...

Christmas was a whirlwind for our family. We spent four days in a row (Christmas Eve day through the two days after Christmas) running from one family Christmas to the next. I'm sure anyone can imagine that being exhausting, but adding the strain on the girls, especially when Ashtyn decided she couldn't nap in her Pack-n-Play with all the excitement... It was just too much. Our family Christmases don't usually pile up all in a row like this, and if they ever do again... sorry, family, as much as we love seeing you, we can't run that marathon again. I have to say, that as much as I looked forward to Ashtyn's first Christmas and Ryleigh being so excited for Christmas, I'm just glad it's over. It makes me sad to know I didn't enjoy it more, which is why I will protect my quieter times with Ryan and the girls during future Christmases.

In addition to all the running around, Ashtyn decided to use the week of Christmas to get her first three teeth! While we're glad they are finally here, their arrival certainly didn't make things easier.

Our family has now been battling the stomach bug for more than a week. I am lying in bed as I write this, as I have succumbed to round #2. It started with Ryleigh, who as of yesterday, was still fighting diarrhea. She would take 24 hour breaks from being sick, and then it would come right back. I spent last weekend in bed with a horrendous sinus headache on top of the stomach bug. Ashtyn had about 24 hours of the bug... we actually went through all of our gDiaper liners! Thank goodness the liners dry in about 10 minutes after washing! We thought Ryan might get away safe, but no such luck. It hit him, although more gently, I think, yesterday. And this morning, I found myself feeling ill again, after several days of feeling fine.

In summary, we ended 2008 and started 2009 in a less then desirable way! We are looking forward to better health -- is this payback for not having had sick children until now? -- in the new year.

In other news, we are having great success making connections for Butter Valley Harvest. The guy from Common Market Philadelphia made his first weekly pickup yesterday, and we made our first restaurant delivery as well. In addition, some produce managers from Wegman's will be visiting the end of this week. I am very excited about that possibility. We have also started visiting local restaurants and delivering samples, and the chefs are very excited to come see our facility. Please pray for positive outcomes for our business over these next days and weeks. There have been lots of little things that have gone in our favor, and the buzz is great in the community. God is definitely blessing our venture thus far. I'm praying for enough blessing to get us into our own house (a non-rental) before then end of this year. I miss my kitchen in Burke, especially now that I'm home and doing a lot more cooking. :)

I think you're up-to-date on life in the Ehst family. Please pray for good health for our family and for Butter Valley Harvest. Blessings to you in 2009!