Friday, December 11, 2009

Thoughts from Toddler-dom (Ashtyn)

I don't remember too much about January except my birthday. I turned 1 on January 28th and celebrated with my family at home. I got some fun toys to play with and new shoes that it took forever my little feet forever to grow into.

I started walking and running, trying desperately to keep up with Ryleigh. She's fast! And I stopped taking two naps a day at some point, which was more traumatic for Mommy than it was for me.

I've nearly filled my mouth with teeth, which I have not enjoyed at all! (It's nice to have teeth, because Mommy and Daddy let me eat a lot more interesting foods now, but the process has not been pleasant!). I seem to stay in the teething phase (drooling and all) for long periods of time before anything happens, and then suddenly in one week, I'll have 3 new teeth. Mommy or Daddy will give me these little teething tablets that melt in my mouth and make me feel much better. I just wish the drooling would stop... my pretty dress was soaked today just from sitting during Ryleigh's school Christmas program. My big sister goes to school three days a week, and I really miss her while she's away. Mommy and I usually go grocery shopping one of those days, and that pretty well fills up the morning. Sometimes it's nice to have Mommy and all the toys all to myself, but I'm always excited to go pick Ryleigh up from school. I also love to help Mommy take the clothes out of the washer and put them into the dryer. I can identify most of our family's laundry and who it belongs to.

Monkey is still my best friend in the whole world, and I don't go too many places without him. My big sister made him for me at Build-a-Bear Workshop and brought him to the hospital when I was born, so we've always been together.

My favorite things to do are read, color, read, play with babies, read, play with Little People, and read. I even read books without any pictures sometimes. I love to play with my big sister, but she doesn't always let me play with all her toys. She and Mommy think I'll eat her princesses' shoes or something crazy like that!

I'm starting to get an idea about this whole potty thing. Sometimes I tell Mommy or Daddy right away when my diaper is dirty, and other days I'd rather not stop playing to get my diaper changed and wrestling matches occur on the changing table. But I like to sit on the big girl potty like my sister does. I haven't done much yet, but I like to wipe my bottom.

I can talk almost as much as my sister does, and I'm learning to count. Ryleigh is also teaching me songs and motions to go with them. We have lots of fun together. I love Ryleigh!

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