Saturday, April 4, 2009

Is my life glorious? (Amanda)

You are glorious!
You make everything glorious!
I am yours!

I heard these three simple phrases on the radio the other day as I was driving. It occurred to me that there is profound power in these words, power to literally change the world. Think about it. Reflect on those words, especially the implications of the final phrase in light of the first two.

God is glorious. That's an easy one. Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, I think anyone who has a relationship with Him can agree with that statement. We praise and worship Him for His glory.

God makes everything glorious. This one is also fairly easy, especially as spring is exploding around us. At least I think so. God himself declared all of creation "good" from the beginning of the world. God's creation is glorious, and He can and does make all things glorious.

The third statement can be the difficult one, but is also the most powerful. I am yours. I am God's creation. I am His child, a child of the King of Kings. I think some of us have a gap between accepting Christ, acknowledging Him and living a life that fully reflects that. What are the implications of this? If I am God's, made new in Christ, then I, too, am intended to be glorious. What would my life look like if I remembered this at every moment of every day? What would the world look like if all believers truly embraced this?

I know I don't always feel very glorious. Sometimes I wake up cranky, at least until I've had my coffee. :) I get frustrated with my children and my husband. I'm in a bad mood, and I don't even know why. But I don't think God wants me to be those things, to be "un-glorious." That's my sinful human nature, not what God created me to be.

We are called to be salt and light. We are called to change the world for Christ. We are called to be a reflection of God's glory. But how many of us really live that out on a daily basis? How many of us live truly glorious lives? Lives that reflect the glory of God, the lives we were created to live. If we all remember to live each day with these thoughts in mind, I believe the world would be profoundly and forever changed.

God is glorious!
God creates all things glorious!
God makes all things new and glorious!
God made me and makes me new and glorious!

God is glorious, and I am His. I am made by Him, I belong to Him, and I am designed to reflect His glory. If we all embrace that third thought that we belong to a God who is glorious and makes all things (including us) glorious, it could and would profoundly change our lives and the world around us.

God, help me to live a life reflective of your glory, worthy of the title "child of the King."

Praying you have a glorious day!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I realize this is not a new revelation to many, or even that profound. But that's what makes it beautiful... it's just so simple. And yet so powerful. And the reminder I needed in my life at this time.