Friday, December 11, 2009

Reflections (Ryan)

Coming soon... so he says. We'll be snowed in this weekend, so come back soon for Ryan's thoughts on 2009.

Update (1/3/2010): OK, clearly Ryan's intentions to blog are not to be realized, so here's a bit from Amanda on his behalf... Butter Valley Harvest is much more than the dream and the promise it was a year ago. Last Christmas, we harvested our first greens for our family's Christmas dinner salads. In January, we began harvesting "for real," and within months we were working with a couple of wholesalers, several Wegman's stores, several Redner's stores, several independent local grocery stores, and opened our own market on the farm. It's been a busy year!

We do not currenty have grow lights (a goal for next year), so our growth times are affected greatly by shorter daylight hours. We are currently selling everything we are growing with the demand being greater than our supply. As the days get longer, our greens will grow faster, and we will be able to increase production.

The tomatoes and cucumbers grew into December and new babies are currently waiting to be transplanted and moved from the lettuce house to the tomato house. We will have new fruits ready in March.

The response from the community to our business has been wonderful, and we are very grateful for that. For more about what we do, please check out our website....

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