Saturday, February 26, 2011

Come As You Are

I spent much of my life feeling like a disappointment. Even when I felt I had done everything right, I still often felt it wasn't enough. Many times it felt like it would never be enough. And even in my weakness and frustration, there was a lesson. We never are enough, on our own. It is only by Grace that we are saved. It is only through Christ that we are worthy. He takes us where we are, no matter how far away that is. When we turn, He runs to us with open arms, and takes us into the world's greatest hug, just as we are. So the song for this posting is "Come As You Are" by Pocket Full of Rocks. I wish I could have heard these words as a teenager.

He's not mad at you
And He's not disappointed.
His grace is greater still
Than all of your wrong choices.

He is full of mercy
And he is ever kind.
Hear his invitation
His arms are open wide.

You can come as you are with your broken pieces
And all your shameful scars.
The pain you hold in your heart,
Bring it all to Jesus,
You can come as you are.

Louder than the voice
That whispers you're unworthy
Hear the sound of love
That tells a different story.

Shattering your darkness
And pushing through the lies
How tenderly He calls you
His arms are open wide.

You can come as you are with your broken pieces
And all your shameful scars.
The pain you hold in your heart,
Bring it all to Jesus,
You can come as you are.

1 comment:

Becca said...

I think there is also a cultural nudge for women to be "the perfect woman." Now that woman are empowered to do anything they want, it seems as if society is telling us we HAVE to do it all: we have to have successful careers, there is huge pressure to have children and to continue a career at the same time, to be a great friend, to give back to the community, etc. And we have to be great at it. Secular culture right now dictates that a woman is not successful unless she exhausts herself physically, emotionally, and spiritually to attempt to do everything. It feels rebellious now to say, "No, I'm not going to buy the big house." "No, I'm not going to school again to pursue a bigger career." I think God would prefer that we do exact opposite. So maybe if we are disappointing ourselves, we are pleasing God...? It's a comforting thought-to me at least!